The Vera Bonta Prize
The Vera Bonta Prize has been initiated by Professor Iván Bonta when his wife Vera Bonta deceased as a consequence of lung cancer metastases treated by surgery eight years before. Through this initiative the Emil Starkenstein Foundation is aiming to stimulate research in the field of lung cancer treatment. Since 1997, the Prize has been awarded every 2 years, to outstanding young researchers based on their excellent research in the field of lung cancer on the occasion of a major lung diseases/cancer related event in the Netherlands.
Active financial support by Dutch branches of the international pharmaceutical industry has made it possible to leverage the capital of the Foundation and award every 2 years The Vera Bonta Prize. The prize amount of € 6000.-., together with a bronze medal, and the opportunity for the winning researcher to present the research results on the occasion of the award event, has made the Prize a unique and prestigious award in the field of lung cancer.
The selection of the winning research work is the responsibility of an independent jury composed of 4 prestigious Dutch/Belgian researchers. Granting of the award is generally done by one of the members of the jury.
As a tradition the award event is concluded by a get-together dinner where the prize winner can meet with the Bonta family, members of the Foundation Board, the sponsor and jury members.

The Jury of the Vera Bonta Prize
The members of the Jury of the Vera Bonta Prize are selected on the basis of their reputation and quality of research work, are appointed on invitation by the Foundation Board and operate totally independent of the Foundation and the Sponsors of the prize. Present members are:
- Prof. Dr P.J. Sterk, Chairman, emeritus professor in Pathophysiology and Phenotyping of Asthma and COPD
- Prof. Dr. P. Baas, Pulmonologist
- Prof. Dr. J. Van Meerbeeck, Pulmonologist
- Prof. Dr. J.A. Gietema, Oncologist
Following persons have been members of the Jury in the past:
- Prof. J. van der Zee, Pulmonologist
- Prof. Dr. E.G.E. de Vries, Oncologist
- Dr. P.R.M. Hekking, Pulmonologist
- Dr. E.H.J. van Haren, Pulmonologist
- Prof. Dr. V.C.G. Tjan-Heijnen, Oncologist
- Prof. dr B. Löwenberg, Hematologist
- Prof. dr. B. Pinedo, Oncologist
The Sponsors
Eli Lilly, Netherlands has been co-sponsor of The Vera Bonta Prize since 2007 namely the granting of the Prize in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019.
Schering Plough, Netherlands has co-sponsored the granting of the Vera Bonta Prize in 2003 and 2005